
The Films.


2 Kinds of Love

The original short film on dating violence in Hawai‘i, which explored abusive behaviors among young adults. 2 Kinds of Love helped establish the viability and necessity of educational tools that embrace diversity and feature people of color. This film is intended for audiences aged 17 and older.


Face 2 Face

Tracing the intersecting and intense relationships among four high school students, Face 2 Face explores the importance of appropriate bystander behavior and the often critical role played by peers. This film is intended for audiences aged 13 and older.



Speaking to students in languages and contexts they relate to is vital to effective education on the dangers of dating violence. Woke focuses on Emily’s journey in coming to terms with, and breaking free from, an abusive relationship. This film is intended for audiences aged 10 and older.


These films address dating violence, digital abuse, violence prevention and healthy relationships. The films along with facilitation will support prevention through a comprehensive discussion of dating violence as it happens, examining bystander behavior and how to get help. This is essential as prevention requires all parties – victims, perpetrators, and bystanders – to recognize abuse as well as their role in ending it. Educators can use accompanying curriculum to both address stopping violence before it starts and to examine healthy relationships and stereotypes.

Locally-developed material that is inclusive and reflects the diversity and culture complexity of our Islands simply does not exist for young people in the Pacific Islands. Moreover, these kinds of culturally-appropriate tools are more effective in that they generate greater recognition and acceptance than traditional prevention education, which our youth have a difficult time seeing as representative of their families, relationships, or communities. This dissonance makes them less likely to learn, adopt and understand the dynamics of healthy and unhealthy relationships.